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Sudden Appearance Of Cockroaches?

How To Identify The Source Of A Cockroach Infestation




Having just put the finishing touches in place, going through a final cleanliness inspection, you step back and give a satisfied look at the squeaky clean, well-decorated home. You are now ready for your party guests. And then suddenly, your moment of satisfaction comes crashing down to an abrupt end! What was that I just saw scurrying across my countertop? Was that a cockroach? What will my guests think if they see one in my house? How can I identify cockroaches? Does this mean that I have a cockroach infestation in my home?

Tags: German cockroaches  |  cockroach infestation

Do You Know The Signs Of A Termite Problem?




Found in Michigan, Ohio and throughout out much of the country, termites are one of the most dreaded pests homeowners encounter. In fact damages caused these wood destroying insects add up to several billions of dollars each year and because they work non-stop, 24/7, the termite problem is not going away. Unfortunately for us, termites are very social creatures and work by the thousands to ensure the growth and survival of their colony as well as new colonies.

termite mud tunnels


Tags: termites  |  termite control

The difference between bees and wasps

Both are beneficial pollinators but it's important to be able to identify which one you are dealing with.




Not sure how to tell the difference between a wasp and a bee? Check out this graphic from Rose Pest Solutions.

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Cincinnati Exterminators On Cockroaches in Ohio




Do you have a good cockroach story? Most people have come into contact with cockroaches at some point in their life and if they are unlucky enough, the cockroaches have made it into their food, onto their bodies, or under a bare foot as they are crushed. People don’t tend to like cockroaches and there are many good reasons to dislike these insects, but one of the best reasons is their propensity for spreading disease to any surface they touch.  There are a few different types of cockroaches in Ohio and throughout our service area and the most notable are the German cockroach and the American cockroach. Think you have seen cockroaches inside your home? Let the Cincinnati exterminators at Rose Pest Solutions help you determine whether you have German or American cockroaches and offer a few prevention tips to keep these disease-spreading pests out of your home. 

Tags: American cockroach  |  German cockroaches

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