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Rose Pest Solutions Blog

Posts with the tag: "mosquito control"

How To Control Mosquitoes In Your Backyard




Nothing can spoil a backyard get together faster than a bunch of blood-sucking mosquitoes!  Along with causing an itchy, painful bite, homeowners have to worry about the potential health threats caused from the bite of a mosquito, including West Nile virus and Encephalitis.

Tags: mosquitoes  |  mosquito control

Mild Winter May Lead To Larger Pest Populations During Spring Months




With northern states recording record highs this spring following a mild winter, pests are starting to appear earlier than normal. For residents in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, the odd weather pattern has resulted in a low winter kill for some pests, which could lead to larger home infestations during the spring months. With the feeding, mating, and colonizing happening earlier this year, Rose Pest Solutions’ would like to offer some tips to help you plan for a pest-free season.

Tags: mosquito control  |  stinging insects