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Rose Pest Solutions Blog

Rose Pest Solutions Blog

How To Store Firewood To Prevent Pest Infestations




One thing many families look forward to in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, is relaxing by a cozy fire. But did you know that your firewood could be drawing pests right into your home?

Tags: winter pests  |  firewood pests

It May Be Cooling Down But Fleas In Ohio Are Still Here




While the weather in Ohio is beginning to cool down, it does not mean that we are free from the threat of fleas. These tiny, flat and wingless pests are a battle every year for households and it does not stop in the fall. So while you may be tempted to put your pet’s flea treatments on hold, the team at Rose Pest Solutions is here to tell you why you may want to reconsider.

Tags: fleas  |  home pest control

Keep The Birds Away From Your Business




Birds and businesses are two words that do not go well together, unless of course you own a pet store. Pest bird infestations can and often do lead to damages to facility, machinery and even product and also create serious safety hazards and health issues for companies.  Starlings, pigeons, and sparrows are just a few of the pest birds that  roost on commercial facilities in Ohio and Michigan and throughout our region.

Tags: bird control tips  |  pest birds

How To Check For Ticks

Checking For Ticks Is The Most Effective Way To Avoid Tick Borne Illnesses




With the threat of tick bites and the spread of Lyme disease on the rise, it is important for homeowners across the country to be prepared to battle the ticks this year. Whether you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors or if you own pets, you will need to learn how to perform tick checks on yourself and your family members so that you can protect yourself from any potential tick bites and the spread of Lyme disease.

Tags: black legged ticks  |  tick bites

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