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Integrated Pest Management For Your Business

What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that incorporates common-sense practices and sound solutions to treat and control pests.  IPM programs use the current information on the life cycles of pests and their interactions with the environment in combination with available pest control methods to manage pests and pest damages by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.

IPM For Businesses

IPM For Schools

Finding An IPM Practitioner


An IPM Approach

A successful IPM program consists of a partnership between you and your licensed pest professional.  Working together, you can have the peace of mind that your home or facility is protected against pests.  An IPM approach can be broken down into three basic steps:

  • Inspection of the area

  • Identification of any existing pest problems

  • Treatment

Once pest problems have been identified and trouble spots located, it is best to implement IPM techniques and practices to resolve current pest problems and prevent future pest activity.  Specific IPM actions include:

  • Judiciously applying chemicals

  • Implementing mechanical controls such as trapping or weeding

  • Excluding pests by performing structural repair and maintenance (sealing gaps around plumbing, wall outlets, and switch plates; caulking cracks and gaps in and around the property, etc.)

  • Modifying behavior to prevent insect and rodent problems (properly storing garbage containers, vacuuming, and sweeping floors and furniture frequently, moving wood away from the house, etc.)

IPM For Businesses

If you own or operate a business you know how critical it is to protect your brand and product from insects and rodents.  Left unaddressed, pests can have a negative impact on your reputation and your revenue.  Integrated Pest Management is a common sense way for businesses to address pest problems while minimizing the unnecessary use of chemicals.  With a focus on inspection, identification, and treatment, our pest professionals will develop a pest management plan for your facility that includes behavior modification, pest exclusion, and pesticide treatments when necessary. 

IPM For Schools

A pest-free environment is critical to a student’s educational success and the presence of insects and rodents in classrooms, cafeterias and other areas of schools are not only disruptive but pose a serious health risk to students and faculty.  IPM is a common-sense way for school administrators and facility managers to address pest problems while minimizing exposure to pesticides. With a focus on inspection, identification, and treatment, our pest professionals will develop a pest management plan for your facility that includes behavior modification, pest exclusion, and pesticide treatments when necessary.

Finding An IPM Practitioner In Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana

Before you begin your search for a pest control company in your area that practices Integrated Pest Management, make sure you understand what IPM is.  Remember you are looking for a comprehensive solution to your pest problem that includes inspection, identification, and treatment.

Tips for finding a pest professional who practices IPM

  • Contact neighboring businesses or schools for recommendations.

  • Make phone calls to local pest professionals to find out if they practice IPM.  ( Make sure their program is consistent with the description on this website.)

  • Solicit bids from several pest control companies.

  • Take your time making a decision.  Remember: you are paying for this service, so contact a company you can trust.

  • Before you sign a contract, be sure you fully understand the nature of the pest, the extent of the infestation, and the work necessary to resolve the problem. Also make sure your pest control company of choice has liability insurance to cover any damages that might be incurred during treatment and find out what guarantees are given, what they cover, and how long they last.

Learn More About IPM


Click Here To Contact Us and schedule your appointment with one of our commercial pest management professionals!

Rose Pest Solutions uses proven strategies for the removal of nuisance birds from all types of structures. Rose programs are targeted to manage common pest birds such as pigeons, starlings, sparrows, seagulls, geese, and some less common pest birds. Our special service teams utilize Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies and are experienced in many methods of pest bird removal including specialized exclusion, netting, trapping, scare tactics, and even relocation.

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