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Rose Pest Solutions Blog

Protecting Pollinators

Friday, June 16, 2017

Rose entomologists Mark Vanderwerp, Manager of Education and Training and Mark D. Sheperdigian, B.C.E. VP of Technical Services, saved a large honeybee hive from a home just in time for Pollinator Week. For more information about pollinators and how to protect them visit Pollinator Health. 

technicians removing giant Bee Hive

 “It’s a lot more work to remove honeybees after they’ve moved in than it is to keep them out to begin with. But either way Rose can help," Vanderwerp explained, "  It’s always nice when we can keep both our client and the bees happy at the same time!  There are a lot of things killing bees these days, we don't want to be one of them.”

The duo described the hive as a good size, about 30” x 14” x 10” packed full with honeycomb and brood...About the size of a 20 gallon aquarium. That roughly equates to about 5 pounds of bees!

For now, the hive's new home is in Vanderwerp's backyard where they can continue to pollinate. 

"At least as long as my lady doesn't get jealous, or scared," Mark says jokingly.

Mark Vanderwerp holds the rescued bee hive

A happy ending for both hive and homeowner.



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